Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Home

So after only a short blog is off to a new home:

My New Blog

This blog will no longer be updated, but the new one will! Thanks for reading!

I am glad I have morphed into a better human being than I was in 4th grade. I was thinking today about a friend of mine from Memphis. In Ms. D's class, I remember a particularly hot Memphis day. Our teacher left the room, and we were all talking about how hot it was. People started chit chatting about who should ask Ms. D to turn on the air conditioner. Like the 4th grade brat I was, I shouted LeeAnn should do it because she's the teacher's pet. Then I denied it later...what a punk I was. LeeAnn- if you ever come across this blog, my apologies for my 4th- grade dweebiness. I added the picture for clarity about what a dweeb I was. I am the awkward tall one in the back. This wasn't quite 4th grade- but pretty close. Jorts. Loves it.

Laughing at myself saves me from some pretty traumatizing situations. Today, I was walking through the park looking so local with headphones and a book. (FYI...the book was Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert. GREAT BOOK!) So I was looking great multi-tasking when suddenly my graceful self twisted my ankle and semi rolled down this knoll. People came to make sure I was ok and in an attempt to save face, I just started laughing. Pretty soon everyone was laughing, and we all got to talking and turned out they were my neighbors. If I didn't laugh at myself, I would have never known who lives the floor above me and two units to the right.

I have been MIA for a few days because yesterday I attended BlogHer. It was a great conference, and I can't wait to make my blog even better.

Off to play!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Test Tubes Are For Scientists

So after a great night last night with my new buddy Liz, I was a little tired today. Note to self: even if it is free, do not take tequila shots out of a test tube on a "school night." Or as my good friend Laura told me today- "Mary Kneeland, you are not a scientist, do not play with test tubes." Thanks for the advice Laura.

I went to meet some new friends at St. James Cathedral for a percussion concert, which was so much fun. As culturally savvy as I want to be...I just can't get into classical music, so I was glad when I saw that it was percussion today. They were great, but the whole time it made me miss my good buddy Lauren who is in Birmingham because she would be digging the tambourine. It is her second favorite instrument after the kazoo. Well maybe the 3rd after the kazoo and the harmonica...she likes odd instruments.

Because of the surplus of tequila that I had last night, I decided to ditch dinner afterwards and headed home to catch last night's debate of YouTube. If you were not convinced that social media's impact is astronomically increasing by the day, you obviously were not informed about the debate. People sent in videos to the video-sharing site YouTube, and the candidates answered them. Anderson Cooper (love him) moderated and threw in his ever so witty comments. My favorite Anderson moment:

Global warming was brought up and various candidates chimed in about all they were going to do to stop global warming, how awful it was etc...Then Anderson chimed in and asked: How many of you flew here in a corporate jet? All of them but one raised their hand...Practice what you preach boys and girls.
Any thoughts on the debate? I thought the were "fascinating" (in my best Aunt Tink voice- my awesome aunt in New York).

I had a great first Chicago moment today! I saw someone I knew on the street. It happened to be a basketball coach from my middle school days, but nevertheless a familiar face!

I am a little scatter-brained today so I will spare you my other thoughts. But I leave you on this note: I learned today from a colleague that in the new addition of the AP stylebook, they say women should be referred to as females, not women. Thoughts? My thought is: Who cares? But maybe you do?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hey Mama Welcome To The...

I bit the bullet, got over Ricki Lake being completely replaced, and I ventured out to Michigan Avenue to catch a showing of Hairspray. I was trying to come up with a clever title, but then realized what do you call the 2000s? It's not the '60s, '70, '80s or the '90s...its the '00s. Does anyone get my point? Anyways...

So in case you live under a rock and haven't seen the original movie, the new movie or the musical, (you people really should get out more if you haven't partaken in any of these) there is a song in it called Welcome to the '60s. Great little ditty, worth a download on iTunes.

After the movie, I was thinking about how things have changed in the way the original Hairspray was marketed compared to this new version. Last week, a colleague of mine shared with me the Hairspray website. Among other things, they are marketing it through blogs and a template for your myspace page. It truly is amazing the progression of marketing/pr/advertising (I know I should really be getting the difference, but sometimes it is a little blurry). How do you hit the youth? You have to go online, or there is a very good chance you will not have much of an impact.

So for a good clean time, even my grandmother Goggie would like it because of the lack of "smutt," go check out Hairspray. You won't regret it.

ch ch changes

Well, so now you know, and I am slowly learning to accept: I AM NOT IN COLLEGE ANYMORE!

Visually, I am working on this. I now have an actual "hairstyle." (I better because after $130, I would definitely not be able to afford for anything else to be done.) I also bit the bullet, addressed my fading eye sight, went to the eye doctor, and alas I am now the proud owner of a lovely pair of glasses. (Thank you good benefits that let me have free glasses.)

Other things I am working on to become an adult:
1. Ceasing the use of the ellipsis in e-mail. People in the business world want to know you can put a coherent thought together that doesn't use ...
2. Grocery delivery- Ok this really has nothing to do with being an adult, but I just wanted to rub it in your faces for those who live in cities that this is not available i.e- all of my family.
3. Learning that I can survive without the latest BCBG collection. Not that I could ever afford a shirt that cost $150, but I could always sneak it on the credit card. Not anymore.

That is it for now. James Blake (the love of my life) is in an intense match on ESPN 2. I need to drool for a little while.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

And So It Is...

As someone who regularly dives into the blogosphere in search of anything and everything, I felt that now was the time to brave my thoughts, put them in writing and maybe my mom (or blog savvy cousin Marg) will have a glance.

So why displaced in Chicago? When trying to describe the current time in my life...this is what I came up with. I thought it over and then turned to one of my best online friends, the dictionary to see what the exact meaning of displaced was. It was then that I knew this was the perfect title. Buried in the meaning of displaced was the definition, "to move or put out of the usual or proper place." Needless to say, it is not very usual for a girl who has spent the last four years of her life in Auburn, Alabama to wound up alone in Chicago.

After my career savior, Robert French, swept into my PR curriculum, I never really looked back. He taught me, and so many others, the vast world of social media.

I'm not sure yet what I will write about...probably the adventure I am about to embark on as a single 22-year old living in a brand new place with endless possibilities. I hope you enjoy.