Saturday, July 28, 2007

I am glad I have morphed into a better human being than I was in 4th grade. I was thinking today about a friend of mine from Memphis. In Ms. D's class, I remember a particularly hot Memphis day. Our teacher left the room, and we were all talking about how hot it was. People started chit chatting about who should ask Ms. D to turn on the air conditioner. Like the 4th grade brat I was, I shouted LeeAnn should do it because she's the teacher's pet. Then I denied it later...what a punk I was. LeeAnn- if you ever come across this blog, my apologies for my 4th- grade dweebiness. I added the picture for clarity about what a dweeb I was. I am the awkward tall one in the back. This wasn't quite 4th grade- but pretty close. Jorts. Loves it.

Laughing at myself saves me from some pretty traumatizing situations. Today, I was walking through the park looking so local with headphones and a book. (FYI...the book was Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert. GREAT BOOK!) So I was looking great multi-tasking when suddenly my graceful self twisted my ankle and semi rolled down this knoll. People came to make sure I was ok and in an attempt to save face, I just started laughing. Pretty soon everyone was laughing, and we all got to talking and turned out they were my neighbors. If I didn't laugh at myself, I would have never known who lives the floor above me and two units to the right.

I have been MIA for a few days because yesterday I attended BlogHer. It was a great conference, and I can't wait to make my blog even better.

Off to play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.