Sunday, July 22, 2007

ch ch changes

Well, so now you know, and I am slowly learning to accept: I AM NOT IN COLLEGE ANYMORE!

Visually, I am working on this. I now have an actual "hairstyle." (I better because after $130, I would definitely not be able to afford for anything else to be done.) I also bit the bullet, addressed my fading eye sight, went to the eye doctor, and alas I am now the proud owner of a lovely pair of glasses. (Thank you good benefits that let me have free glasses.)

Other things I am working on to become an adult:
1. Ceasing the use of the ellipsis in e-mail. People in the business world want to know you can put a coherent thought together that doesn't use ...
2. Grocery delivery- Ok this really has nothing to do with being an adult, but I just wanted to rub it in your faces for those who live in cities that this is not available i.e- all of my family.
3. Learning that I can survive without the latest BCBG collection. Not that I could ever afford a shirt that cost $150, but I could always sneak it on the credit card. Not anymore.

That is it for now. James Blake (the love of my life) is in an intense match on ESPN 2. I need to drool for a little while.

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